Politics Isn't Really My Thing.
“Politics isn’t really my thing.” I’ve heard this said by those in our generation more times than I can count. Most recently, I heard it...

Should Christians Worry About Politics?
"Don't worry about politics," they say, "the whole world is going down-hill and Jesus is coming back soon." I grew up in a...

Are you alive? Then you have rights.
“I know my rights!!!” Let’s start with a blank canvas and talk about your rights. Are you alive? Then you have a right to keep living. To...

Is This Republicans Hail Mary?
We are in the final stretch of the primary season with not just two Republican candidates still running but three. Trump is almost in...

Republicans: Party of the few?
182 voters gather for Republican caucus at Green Mountain Elementary school gym in Lakewood, CO. on Tuesday, February 7, 2012. Hyoung...